Silent Healing

Silent Healing

Support comes in many forms, from talking it out, to food parcels, etc etc.

Simply sitting in silence with someone either in person or on the phone, is one of the most profound and powerful healing aids.

When we simply share our energy in a loving, supportive way, it brings comfort to those who maybe feeling alone in their struggles. They feel loved, seen, supported and heard.

It also leaves space for processing, in a safe environment. Which ultimately can lead to a big release. Either through words. Emotions (anger, tears etc) or, deep breathing.

Some may scribble the anxt out, or feel the need to move their body to release the heavy energies.

It also brings healing for the listener also, energy knows where to flow.

We humans tend to fill empty space with waffle or music or some other background noise to drown out the silent thoughts that creep in.

Being able to listen without interjection or the need to try fix things, is a magical healing tool in itself.

Be brave enough to sit in silence with someone.

Mitakuye Oyasin ☯️

Blessings 🙏❤🙏

NEW* Talking Stick

Latest creation

32″ Hazel wood Talking Stick.

Both ends are embedded with Sodalite crystals for ease of communication, and a representation of the 3rd eye can be found on the stick, to allow for clear in-sight.

Hazel represents Feminine energy.  Associated with the elements of Fire, Air, and Water. Manannan Mac Lir, the Celtic Sea God, considered the wood to be sacred.  Aligned with the Greek Goddess Aphrodite and the Celtic Goddess Danu.

Magical Properties: Artistic ability, magical knowledge, and optimism are provided by the use of Hazel. The energy of hazel promotes love and creativity allowing a person to move beyond self-serving modes of existence. Hazel is the bringer of change.

Sodalite – Brings order and calmness to the mind.  It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalisation of feelings.  Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks.  It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust

Chakras Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac Sagittarius
Water, Air
Typical colours
Rich royal blue, green, yellow, violet: mottled with white veins or patches.


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