Golden Salve

Golden Salve

Good morning tribe.
Wanted to share some fantastic feedback that I received this morning from a lady that I gave a sample jar of my ‘Golden Salve’ to.
This salve tackles inflammation and eases Arthritis.

‘Morning Maria. Wow. Just put it on ten mins ago and WOW. Did my left hand first and it almost looks SMALLER than my right, I can feel the inflammation dissipate. It’s much more comfortable now. Thank you. I’ve just done my left shoulder and I can hold it back comfortably and sit up straight on that side, whereas on my right my shoulder is curled in and I’m noticing all the tension through my neck and face now on that side which I never noticed till it’s not tight and hurting!! This is TOO good!’ Xxx 😘

  • Molly

If you would like to order some of my Golden Salve, or any of my other salves. Please feel free to DM me with your requirements.

Maria. πŸ™πŸ’œπŸ™

Herbal Tobacco


I was recently asked to make some Herbal Tobacco for a friend who is trying to find an alternative to Tobacco.

This is my first blend, it has a very light flavour with a hint of the chamomile perfume. Very smooth smoke. (I tried it in a pipe)

Do you have a favourite blend?

If you would like to stop smoking Regular tobacco and try a herbal alternative then this blend would be a good one to help transition to a healthier choice of smokes.

The Blend: Chamomile, Mugwort & Mullein.

The Blend can also be taken as a herbal tea.

Mullein is a great herb for Lung issues and clearing out mucus. Chamomile is a wonderful relaxant & anti depressant, and Mugwart helps to lower blood pressure.