Element of Air

The Element of Air


This week I have been sitting with the element of air.

Totem: Eagle + Condor.

Air correlates to the Eastern part of creation. It represents the vital breath from the winds that brought the Universe into being, with the breath of life (Om).

Air is also connected to the mind, wisdom, spirits and the soul.

When we create a prayer ceremony, using fire, breath work or spoken word, our prayers are carried up to creator on the winds.

‘Air or breath is the life giver to all life on our planet, it breathes in life and exhales it in death.

When we breathe in we are inhaling oxygen that may have travelled around the world and through thousands of other beings. And when we exhale we pass that breath along. We share this same breath with the trees as we do with the critters, It connects us all together.

If you connect to the breeze you may hear their stories, or feel them as you breathe’.

There are many breath work techniques that can help with various things from anxiety to asthma to restful sleep, all help to move stagnant air out and refuel you with a fresh supply of oxygen.


Eagle and Condor, both welcome in the new day soaring on the wind, they bring in clear vision, new opportunities, growth and inspiration.

When we open up to them we begin to float on the breeze, becoming one with the air that surrounds us and within us. Then we can begin to comprehend this element at a deeper level.

” May the winds of our Ancestors blow softly in your ear today.”


Mitakuye Oyasin

