Herbal Remedies

Herbal Teas, Salves and Tinctures.


Herbalism is the ancient tradition of studying and using plants for their healing properties.

My interest in herbal medicine stems back to childhood and my Grandmas medicinal teas and various remedies that she would make when we were sick.  Some of the things that I learned from the elders back then, I still use today. 


Our herbs are foraged or grown by myself personally, apart from the Chaga Mushroom which is sourced from Scotland, ensuring that only the best organic produce are used. 

All of our products are processed and packaged by hand.

 Positive intent is set with the plants throughout each step, from harvesting right up to posting out to you.  Offering respect for the plant and gratitude for its unique gifts of healing that it will bring to those who use it.


In the effort to reduce waste and costs to our customers, we use home made labels and our Herbal Teas come loose in resealable bags. 

All items are provided with a fact sheet.




Chaga + Turkey Tail Tincture ready NOW!


50ml Bottle – £18 including P+P (UK only) SALE£10 + P+P

*Turkey Tail Mushroom Helps the Immune System Fight Cancer while protecting healthy cells and Chaga mushroom helps with stomach diseases, intestinal worms, liver, heart ailments and cancer treatment.

Only 1 Bottle Left!


Dandelion Root Tincture ready NOW.

Only One Bottle available due to pre orders.

£10 + P&P

*Recent studies have found that Dandelion Root among its many medicinal qualities, also fights several types of cancer, Leukaemia in particular.

*Please note that stock is limited to provide you with the best quality and shelf life of the tinctures. We recommend Pre ordering to ensure that you get one, as each Batch takes 6-8 weeks till it is ready.


Other Tinctures currently Available:

50 ml Yarrow Tincture(1) – Menstrual problems, Haemorrhoids, Fights bacteria, Decongestant, Astringent, Anti-inflammatory, Promotes digestion. – £10 + P+P (SOLD)

50 ml Rose Hip Tincture (1) – High in Vitamin C, Colds, Diuretic and laxative, Aids immune system, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Varicose Veins. £10 + P+P. (SOLD)



Eczema salve

Salves have many uses and healing properties from moisturisers, lip balms, wound healing and insect bites to name but a few.

All our herbal products are naturally sourced and mixed with pure Beeswax and organic Coconut oil, with added vitamin E.

With the cold weather coming in we have a new blend that targets Eczema, Psoriasis and very dry skin.

*Only 3, 8ml pots left

£1.98 + P&P

Some feedback about our salves:

“The Texture is lovely” – A

”My skin has not been this clear in years, thank you.” – D

“Smells and feels uplifting” – N

“Used it on my elbows and I can feel a difference already” – M

”It was very soothing and very effective as my skin is very dry” – ML

Herbal Tea Bags


Our Tea bags are mixed specifically for your needs, however, they can be sold separately or as a mixed bag (12 per bag). £1.85 + P+P                                           

Choose from:

* Camomile – Calming                                                   

* Chaga Mushroom – Supports Immune System, Ulcers and Gastritis, Normalize Blood Pressure + Cholesterol Levels, Antioxidant.  £2.20 + PP                               

* Red Clover – Reduce hot flashes + PMS      

*Turkey Tail Mushroom – Improves the immune system, Protects against Radiotherapy.

*Plantain – Strengthens Lungs, Insect Bites, Hay fever.                                                                                    

* YarrowAnti-inflammatory, Stems bleeding ulcers, Fights Infection.                             

*Nettle – Diuretic, Kidney Stones, Enlarged prostrate.                                                                    

*Dandelion Root – Gall stones, Laxative, Joint Pain.

* Comfrey – Poly-cystic Ovaries, Rheumatoid Arthritis.                                                                 

*Calendula – Oral Health, Kills Bacteria, Skin Care.

*MelilotDiuretic,Varicous-Veins, Blood clots, Lymphatic Cleanser.                                         

*Rose Hip – High in Vitamin C, Varicose Veins, Anti-inflammatory.

*Cleavers – Astringent, Antibacterial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory, Soothing kidney and urinary tract irritations, Relieves tonsillitis, lowers blood pressure.

*Dead Nettle – Irregular menstrual periods, and weak menstrual flow, Boils, Tumours and Insomnia.

*Hawthorne Flower – Heart Medicine, mends a broken heart and works with Angina.

*Lemon Verbena – Asthma, whooping cough, angina, anemia, arthritis,digestive disorders, menopause.


If you would like to learn how herbs can help you, then please contact me for a Free consultation.

Bountiful Blessings from the plants and I.

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