Energetic Opportunities

  • A message I received prior to the full moon on August 6th 2017

Message from Running deer – 4/8/17

All my relations take nothing personally during these times, energy waves are affecting your DNA, your physical and emotional bodies, changes are taking place now as we enter a new phase of evolution. Some people may act crazy or even go crazy, some may choose to leave the planet, whereas others may suddenly become enlightened.

There may be much confusion and heads may clash but Stay centred, stay calm, let go of all that no longer serves you…Forgive.

Prepare your body and mind by removing all toxicity from your diet, eat healthy, and avoid red meats, caffeine, dairy and refined sugars. Eat and drink from only pure untampered sources to nourish your soul this is highly important for the integration of these energies and for you to evolve and heal personally and collectively as a species.

These energies may have already been felt by those you that you call empaths over the past weeks as the portal of the Lion has been slowly opening I implore you to please take care as there will be many accidents during this period and four weeks past the 8.8 portal.

Minds will easily wander as ‘normal’ brain wave activity is being rewired to accommodate the new energies, things that were of importance to you will hold no value any more, as you begin to realign with the natural rhythms of life and the universal laws of nature. It is wise to sit in quiet contemplation as much as possible, connect with creator and your personal helpers for assistance with assimilating the energies into your being. You are not alone, you are not losing your mind,  you are remembering your true soul’s purpose. Your earthly mission on our sacred planet is being re encoded.

The energies are bringing healing at a cellular level, clearing ancestral trauma, sending light into the darkest of places which for some will be uncomfortable and resistance will present itself in many ways, like the head of a snake hissing and spitting at everyone and everything. Anger, Fear and Doubt may arise as well as new illnesses or old injuries may flare up, you may also find yourself in conflict with self and others. Recognise this is a clearing, a healing process and simply allow without questioning, and will pass swiftly.

Step into the vortex of possibilities and draw on the magical powers of creation that is available to you now. Listen, the ancestors are here to show the way.

This time will not present itself in this way for many moons to come, this is your time, it is time to embrace the changes and step up to the plate, to collectively ensure a healthy future for the next 7 generations.. it is time for community thinking, living and being.

Ask yourself these questions: Where am I not being true to my authentic self? How can I be of service to the whole? What is my current life mission? Sit with these questions, your allies will help you find the answers.

Be gentle with yourself, be gentle with others and be gentle with our mother earth.

Give thanks daily.

May you always walk in beauty, and come to every living being in a good way.

Mitakuye Oyasin.

Running Deer.


Copyright @Maria Wind Talker -Bear Foot Holistics 2017

4 thoughts on “Energetic Opportunities

  1. This has been so accurate Maria, especially with the lunar eclipse also the retrograde alignment, conflicting emotions and massive mistrust have been felt in every quarter.
    The opportunity for space for reflection and infinite gratitude for our blessings has been my only sanctuary….
    Thank you for sharing your message and wise words from Running Deer.
    Much love to you xxx

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  2. Well thank you! It helps to know that I’m not going crazy, and that it isn’t just me feeling this way. Being an empath, I feel it so strongly, and still don’t know what to do with all the energies, so I do self care. It’s all I can do through these times. But self care for me is usually taking care of others and making sure I also take care of me in between. It’s a good balance. It helps through these times for sure, for if I wasn’t doing them, wow….things and I would be very different and I imagine I’d be having even less fun than I am now, so it is all well. ❤️

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