Are You Worthy?

Message from nature

Sat here surrounded by Horse nation and the winged ones, mainly Crow, the speaker of truths.

Here is what they have to say today…

Why do you undervalue yourself so much? Others, less qualified, experienced and wise, become successful by believing in themselves and the benefits of their gifts.

You don’t see a Lawyer offering 20% discount to all new clients in May, yet, you could have put yourself through law school with all your training and equipment, needed to do your work.

Yes, there will be competition, but again, do you see the lawyers bothered about that?

Most of the people who will seek you out can afford to pay what you are worth, and those that claim they can’t could maybe cut back on a bottle of wine or two if they are serious about their health.

What do you love doing? And, What do people ask for the most?

How many lives have you changed for the better? Stop staying small and thinking others are better in some way, you all have unique gifts to offer, and no one is better than anyone else.

Remember, you are a way shower, a conduit for change, a soother of souls and a vessel for healing. You are more valuable than you realise, especially now.

So stand tall like the tree, shake your mane and run free. Shake off the weight of self doubt, and fly high so that your light shines for all to see.

Shake off the fear of not surviving, those who need you will find you, and those who condemn you will soon want to collaborate.

Gifts from nature after our communication.


Stay mindful, be at peace, you are loved more than you know. ❤

Mitakuye Oyasin. Namaste. Blessings. Maria Wind Talker

Foxy Feathers

Foxy Feathers

My latest feather picture, inspired by an image on a Tote bag that was gifted to me.

Foxy Feathers, on an 8 x 8 inch canvas.

Not for sale, as I gifted to my friend on her birthday, as her power animal is Fox. 🦊

If you would like a unique, personalised Feather picture of your own, then please feel free to contact me with your request.

All our creations are 100% unique and original, no two are ever identical.

Each one made with love and filled with prayer blessings. 🙏 _____________________________

Mitakuye Oyasin, Namaste, Blessings.

Maria Wind Talker.