And So It Comes To Pass…

People used to look at me very confused when I say this, but now they are starting to get it….

‘We need to go backwards to go forwards’ – MWT

Mitakuye Oyasin

Mwt. ❤

#StayAtHome Online Help


Hello all my relations

Now more than ever our services are required as people are isolated, scared and stress levels for most are through the roof. With stress being one of the biggest contributors to lowering the immune system and rendering you more susceptible to illness, then self-care is even more important during these times. Know that you are not alone, and isolation does not mean that you cannot receive the help and guidance that you need right now to maintain a healthy mind and body.

We are here to help in any way that we can, we offer various treatments online via ‘Messenger, Skype or Zoom’.

‘Meditation, Reiki, E.F.T, Medicine Card Guidance, Life Coaching, Cord Removal, Shamanic Healing, Animal Healing, Attachment Release and Space Clearing’.

As people are out of work or on lower incomes until this all blows over, we would like to assist even further by making our services accessible to everyone’s budget, by offering the energy exchange by Donation, pay what you can..

Nobody should go without help or feel alone, and as a community we need to band together and do what we can. If you would like to book an appointment or find out more, then please contact us..

Feel free to share this post with anyone who you feel may benefit from our services.

Many Blessings


Skype: Vibrational.Changes

FB Messenger @Bearfootolistics

Pay Pal: