Reiki is reaching the Top Hospitals

This is an excellent step forward in the acknowledgement and acceptance of Complimentary medicines within orthodox medical practices.

Personally I have seen major transformations and healing’s within my practice and am very happy to read this article today.

If you would like to try Reiki for yourself or would like to train as a practitioner, please contact me for further information. Contact

Reiki is reaching the Top Hospitals

reiki hands

From Johns Hopkins to several cancer centers, Reiki is steadily gaining presence in top medical facilities. Here is a brief view on some of them.

Up to this day we have an idea of how Reiki works, but still don’t know the exact mechanisms. To get more information about it go to the post about Reiki Frequencies, where are mentioned some pioneers into detecting this elusive art. Despite this, several top medical facilities are realizing the benefits of Reiki, specially in the areas of pain control and oncologic complementary care.

Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine & Digestive Center, in Maryland USA, offers Reiki to its patients “to create deep relaxation, to help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing”. Certainly they don’t explain it’s mechanisms but have wisely adopted Reiki among acupunture, integrative psychotherapy and therapeutic massage.

reiki hospital


The MacArthur Cancer Service is located in Sydney, Australia. This Centre is rated among the 30 best technologically advanced cancer services in the world, according to Top Masters In Healthcare. Their Wellness Centre is focused on helping patients managing their own health and wellbeing, realizing every person has different needs and circumstances, in order to recommend the best approach and therapy. In the case of Reiki, six volunteers are running the Reiki Therapy MacArthur Cancer Therapy Centre.

Even more, the Cancer Council in New South Wales, a ramification of the national council, dedicates to give resources, information and support among cancer patients and relatives. Here, Reiki is included in the “touch therapies” group, among polarity therapy, craniosacral and some others.

At this point, it is responsible to remember that the Cancer Council (and mainstream medical community) does not recommend the use of alternative therapies as a treatment for cancer. Only complementary therapies that have been proven to be safe to use alongside conventional cancer treatments.

Finally, to explain the reason of this trend is that a cornerstone benefit of Reiki is general well-being, which makes you more resilient and joyful, independently of which situation your life is on at this moment. When suffering a disease, it can reduce pain, shorten recovery or improve the outcome, and could be applied along a specific treatment plan studied by specialists.

 Source –

6 thoughts on “Reiki is reaching the Top Hospitals

  1. That is wonderful to know Maria.. I know a few years back they allowed in alternative therapies to our local hospice.. And when I was a practicing Spiritual Healer I was allowed in to heal several people whom I knew.. They were very open about it an even provided a separate room and put a notice on the door for me so no one would disturb while healing.. So its good to see CHANGE is a last coming.. <3

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s fantastic Sue. I know they allow it our hospice too, there’s a woman does it there voluntary. Last year there was a hospital gown south that actually employed a Reiki Practitioner, so I kinda hoped it would become nationwide but not heard anything else. Xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes they even allowed in healing dogs too.. And the hospice had a wonderful room too for massage therapy And a Quiet Light room with meditation music. My friend and I who had both stayed over night with her Mum, we slept in chairs.. My friend was told to go have a free massage to help her de stress.. There were even a group session with Crystals so patients could destress … I have a neighbour across the road who has volunteered there for over 30 yrs, who has just retired.. When I went the Hospice was the most beautiful place, full of Light, laughter and healing, not at all the place I expected.. xxx

        Liked by 1 person

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